Iron Studios
In New York City, four young brothers secretly fight against evil, facing bandits and even alien invaders. Created in the comics by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or TMNT as they’re known, became a great success in the late 1980s, expanded to many media, and is revered until today by fans all over the globe, and now gains its first line of statues by Iron Studios. The heroes’ group is made of four mutant turtles that, thanks to a viscous substance called Mutagen or Ooze, acquired human-like characteristics and were baptized by their sensei with the name of Italian Renaissance artists. Trained in the ninjutsu martial arts by their master, a rat called Splinter, they use a sewer network as their home and headquarters. Their greatest arch-enemy is the evil Shredder, leader of the criminal ninja group Foot Clan.
Confident and brave, called Leo by his brothers, he advances with his long swords Ninjat? over a pedestal with a manhole cover at his feet, one of the entrances for their hideout. Thus, Iron Studios present their statue ‘Leonardo – TMNT – MiniCo’, with the eldest turtle among his brothers, he’s also their adviser and leader. Portraited using a blue mask, Leo is skillful, mature, and disciplined, and possesses a very strong bond with his father and mentor Splinter that baptized him inspired by the Italian polymath, painter, inventor, and sculptor Leonardo da Vinci.
Carrying a slice of pizza, his favorite food, in one of his hands, and one of his Nunchakus in the other, he jumps with his skateboard in a wall of bricks on the pedestal. Thus, Iron Studios present the statue ‘Michelangelo – TMNT – MiniCo’, bringing the happiest and most playful member of the Ninja Turtles. Loyal and affectionate, Mike or Mikey as he’s called by his brothers, is the youngest of the group, known for his optimism, his jokes, and his love for skateboarding and pizza. Using an orange mask, his name comes from the Italian architect and poet Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Always cranky, over a pedestal where he’s crushing a destroyed robot enemy, and holding his favorite weapons, a pair of Sai daggers, Iron Studios present the statue ‘Raphael – TMNT – MiniCo’, with the group’s rebel. Also called Raph by his brothers, he plays the role of the tough guy. Explosive, moody, and almost always grumpy, he is distinguished by his red mask and has the name inspired by the Italian painter from the 16th Century Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, he’s also the second eldest son among his brothers.
Jumping over a wall of bricks destroyed with an old network of pipes, Don or Donnie, as he’s known by his brothers, firmly holds his Bo battle staff and calculates his blow with precision. Iron Studios bring the statue ‘Donatello – TMNT – MiniCo’, presenting the most intelligent among the four turtle brothers. With a natural remarkable aptitude for science and technology, he’s the third eldest brother and second in charge of the team. Friendly and kind, always using a purple mask, he’s the scientist and inventor responsible for the group’s gadgets and vehicles. His name comes from the Florentine sculptor Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, better known as Donatello.